Presented by: Liliana Rivis
Abstract: 14 yo boy with a changing mole.
History: 14 yo teenage boy of fair complexion, remembers having this mole for at least 5 years. He had hx of sunburn in the past 5 years during the summer. For the past year the mole started to show darker pigment in the middle, seems a little bigger, and lately was noticed to have a white halo around it.
O/E: Spongy ,elevated, dark brown with darker pigment in the middle, pretty symmetrical mole , located in the anterior mid-chest. It is surrounded by a halo. Size is 6x7 mm.
Clinical Photo(s)Abstract: 14 yo boy with a changing mole.
History: 14 yo teenage boy of fair complexion, remembers having this mole for at least 5 years. He had hx of sunburn in the past 5 years during the summer. For the past year the mole started to show darker pigment in the middle, seems a little bigger, and lately was noticed to have a white halo around it.
O/E: Spongy ,elevated, dark brown with darker pigment in the middle, pretty symmetrical mole , located in the anterior mid-chest. It is surrounded by a halo. Size is 6x7 mm.
Lab: N/A
Histopathology: N/A
Diagnosis or DDx: Probable Halo Nevus
Questions: Should it come out now?
References: There is a good chapter on Halo Nevus in
Here is a section regarding management:
Medical Care: Halo nevi are benign, and no treatment is necessary.