Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dermatologic Vignette

Abstract: 75 yo woman with 3 week history of a rash.
History: Painful rash in groin. Healthy woman. Was on antibiotics around a month ago. She used a topical cream given for another purpose by her Gyn. (It turns out the cream she had been using was clobetasol -- a super potent corticosteroid)
O/E: Firey erythema of crural folds, pubic area. Studded with fine superficial pustules.
Clinical Photo(s)

Lab: KOH prep from pustule loaded with budding heasts
Histopathology: N/A
Diagnosis or DDx: Candidiasis (Candidal Intertrigo: iatrogenic)
Reason(s) Presented: For interest. Rick factors for candida intertrigo include antibiotics, diabetes, topical and oral steroids, OCP, pregnancy. This patient took antibiotics and was applying a superpotent corticosteroid to the area. The latter acts as fertilizer for the yeast.

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