Monday, March 31, 2008

Changing Mole

Presented by: Liliana Rivis

14 yo boy with a changing mole.

History: 14 yo teenage boy of fair complexion, remembers having this mole for at least 5 years. He had hx of sunburn in the past 5 years during the summer. For the past year the mole started to show darker pigment in the middle, seems a little bigger, and lately was noticed to have a white halo around it.

O/E: Spongy ,elevated, dark brown with darker pigment in the middle, pretty symmetrical mole , located in the anterior mid-chest. It is surrounded by a halo. Size is 6x7 mm.

Clinical Photo(s)

Lab: N/A
Histopathology: N/A

Diagnosis or DDx: Probable Halo Nevus
Questions: Should it come out now?

References: There is a good chapter on Halo Nevus in
Here is a section regarding management:

Medical Care: Halo nevi are benign, and no treatment is necessary.

Consultations: The chief diagnostic consideration in patients with halo nevi is melanoma that is undergoing regression, although making this distinction is not usually difficult. Primary melanoma is usually solitary, whereas halo nevi are commonly multiple. Furthermore, children are affected more commonly with halo nevi; adults are affected far more commonly by melanoma.

See article for more details.

1 comment:

Humane Medicine Hui said...

This is a nice case. It looks like a halo nevus. These are benign. If the lesion is normal dermoscopically, you could observe. If you are worried, can simply excise. Or follow with serial photos.